Thursday, July 30, 2009


I don't have a lot of extra time these days to dilly dally on my blog..though I love to do it. Today was spent in the studio watching Willy Wonka with little A as we prepped all the flowers for Kelly and Sean's wedding this weekend. Oompa Loompa used to scare me but Alice loves their songs so much, I have a renewed love of their orange-y look. Which - oddly enough ties in with the theme of the wedding flowers (not in an obvious way.)

Here are a few images of some flowers we sent out yesterday....I absolutely LOVE the pansies. Aren't their little faces so cheery?

"So shines a good deed in a weary world"

1 comment:

  1. The pansies are awesome! Never seen them available as a cut flowers before, did you whack off a plant? How well do they hold up?
