Tuesday, January 31, 2012

onto a new season

Alice is now really into the old superman cartoons from the 40's...streaming on netflix as we speak. Funny how a cartoon is still a cartoon to a kid, and she just is soooooo entranced. I think it is mostly the "good vs evil" thing that has her so fascinated.

And by the way he's.....kent clark not clark kent. No discussions on this at all. Just kent clark.

on to the next topic...
a wedding in Sonoma, at cornerstone gardens
with bliss events
and a knockout bride, Jessica.
Some of you ma have already seen this wedding featured on SMP here, and then we were lucky enough to have it selected as one of SMP's best of 2011. In their online mag which you can view here.

It was so unbelievably windy there that day. Seriously, nothing like a little tornado to make me feel nice and mellow during set up. Kidding. But the roses I had for this event were INSANE....sally holmes to die for, ballerina sprays that were literally the perfect fairy dust. They were like little mini pink doqwood blossoms. MUST have for the new flowerwild garden that's really only a work in progress in theory, and on paper right now.

Dreaming of variegated sweet peas...I've only ever laid hands on them 3 or 4 times, when they've been imported by Japanese growers. On the hunt for seeds.

By the way...countdown to new blog. I think we are VERY close! And it is going to be so amazing to have big images, and pictures you guys can actually see. Be well!


All images by Carlie Statsky

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful. I absolutely love the colors, and combinations. Fabulous work again.

    We've got some vintage superman on over here too, Yay netflix :)

    I hope you and your family are well,

