it's been busy....
it's been fun...
we've done a lot of things...
woken up many morning at 5am...
flown through a gazillion stems of flowers...
lunched with alice at the park...
had cars and vans break and run down...
sipped coffee that's cold...
soothed sad green fingers with gardener's hand repair...
rushed to pack vans in 100 plus degree heat...
laid petals across blades of grass...
piled up boxes of flowers in a small studio...
hunkered down...
played wonderwoman with alice...
dreamed of sleepy saturday mornings with not a place in the world to be than under the covers...
breathed in the soft smell of Lynne's unforgettable roses...
pricked our fingers, cursing the bloom atop it's daggered stem..
all this so we could cry when we watch her walk down the aisle...
welling up as she steps out from the embrace of her father's arm..
into the embrace of her love.
i cry every time!
i guess i have many many things to be thankful for.
i'm even thankful for cold coffee, as long as it was made the same day I'm drinking it.
because I've made that mistake before...
so, in other words, we have a lot of catching up to do here and a lot of people who make the flowerwild world go round (you know who you are) that I am VERY VERY VERY thankful for.
images from a recent shoot I did with
Jose Villa - who never ceases to amaze me.
the amazingly talented
Lisa Vorce...who needs no explanation.
my dear friend amber of
pitbulls and posies (taking paper to another level)
Southern Weddings Mag.