We have begun to harvest some of our own signature blooms here at Flowerwild. There is something so rewarding about watching a garden grow. Some of the plants that are flowering with profusion right now are the rambling roses and the clematis vines; which I should add, the nursery tried to dissuade me from growing....not the right climate they said! Too hot and dry. They seem to be preforming terrifically. Can't wait to add more. Passion vines are also blossoming. They have a little "eyelash" center wich makes them look very sea creature-y. Like 'em!!!
Here are some simple arrangements of flowers you can cut from your own spring garden...
The Lilac I bought at the local farmer's market. Super lush!!
Use HOT HOT water off the tap to invigorate droopy flowers.
woow..I have never used clematis flower, is lovely!