Mommy's little helper...
Anyone out there live in the Northern Ca area and care to come work on a wedding with us in Napa/Rutherford? The date is September 4th, FRIDAY. Please contact me directly at info@flowerwild.com if this interests you.
1. Hours from 12-7ish
2. You must have own transportation and a brain.
3. Rate is negotiable
4. You must also be fun, not annoying, 18 or older, and a good silent worker. No chatterboxes please.
5. No design experience necessary. This is for set-up only.
On another note....
It's a little sample madness over here these days. Here are a few more images from a wedding of vivid color! I absolutely cannot wait to see this one take shape on the day. Another amazing bride who I enjoy so much! This will take place at the
Smog Shoppe here in LA later in September. Check out their lush vertical gardens! You can actually do this yourself by buying these
fuzzy wall pockets. Neat-o.
Passion vine, pansies, dahlias (of course!) and some other fun stuff. These make me smile and we can all use a smile, right?