Gearing up for a long run of weddings. It is the so called "calm before the storm" which is not calm at all! But you know what's great?
Flowers are great! They are surprising, beautiful, inspiring....the list goes on. This week I found a few unique items at the market and in our own garden that made making these arrangements so effortless. It's like playing at the park. swinging in a swing, eating cotton candy without the bellyache, a perfect kiss. Know what I mean? Sometimes I am just so in awe of mother nature. Makes me feel kind of small but great all the same.
Local peonies are AMAZING right now. And some surprising items are a rose-like woody branch called "hawthorne" Never seen it before and it reminds me of a a heartier, less messy spirea with small red/pink flowers.
Allium...the teeny tiny star shaped white flower. Also a favorite of mine that is only around for a few weeks in late spring.

From the Flowerwild garden....passion vine, honeysuckle, I LOVE their wild touch!

These Coral tree peonies are delicious and they just get better as time goes by, opening up to reveal a their graphic stamen and slowly bleaching to a very pale white pink petal. These narcissus just make me smile. Happy happy!