Starting a new habit is not so hard when it is a habit of pure pleasure. Every week I plan on visiting the local markets to bring you a snapshot of what's in season and readily available to everyone. Lush, local, small carbon footprint etc...just good old fashioned beautiful flowers from your backyard - so to speak. This week we visited the quaint but plentiful farmer's market in Studio City, just off Laurel Canyon and Ventura Blvd.
Here's what gorgeous now in the last weeks of March. Just on the tip on spring's fingertips:

Ranunculas! sooooooooo soooooo puurrrty

sweet peas...an all time fave of mine. I could stare at their ruffles for hours.

Daffodils...I always think of the singing daffodils in Alice and Wonderland when I see these, and they are quint-
essentially SPRING! Purely sweet, simple and demure.
and, what's this? The season's first flush of Lilac?

Maybe 6 more weeks of Lilac and then it will be all gone so grab a bunch or two for the house and just enjoy its breathtaking scent.